How to Treat an Overactive Bladder

Posted June 03, 2019 in Overactive Bladder

With age, many women may begin to experience uncomfortable changes to their body that can affect their overall health and well-being. One of the most common issues is an overactive bladder.

Overactive bladder (OAB) is a medical condition that causes patients to have a sudden urge to urinate throughout the day. This problem is not only bothersome, but it can cause patients to feel embarrassed and self-conscious about having to get up and go to the bathroom multiple times during the day. Fortunately, there are treatments available to help you address this condition and improve your life.

woman holding her hands over her bladder-img-blog

What Can Cause an Overactive Bladder?

An overly sensitive or overactive bladder can occur due to damaged nerves and muscles connected to the bladder. At least 16 percent of men and women struggle with an overactive bladder. Many people feel this issue negatively affects their way of living. Some patients may find that this condition prevents them from participating in certain social or sporting events. Others may feel their overactive bladder is getting in the way of their intimate relationship with their significant other. You should seek medical attention to determine the cause of your overactive bladder if you are experiencing one or more of the following symptoms:

  • A strong urge to urinate with little to no warning
  • Going to the bathroom eight or more times a day
  • Getting up more than twice to use the restroom at night
  • Urine leaking even after you have gone to the restroom
  • Accidently wetting yourself

Treat Your Bladder With PTNS

Patients with an overactive bladder may benefit from PTNS treatment. PTNS, which is short for percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation, is a safe, non-surgical treatment that involves inserting a tiny needle into your ankle once a week for 12 weeks. During your PTNS treatment, the needle will be inserted while connected to a battery-powered stimulator. The needle will then deliver electrical pulses to the tibial nerve. The electrical pulses travel up to the sacral nerve found in your spine that is responsible for controlling your bladder function. PTNS can provide long-lasting results with only a few treatments per year.

To learn more about overactive bladder and how to treat it, you can call our office at (707) 575-1626 to schedule a personal consultation with us today!